Chianni Chianni is inserted in an area surrounded by woods and hills where olive trees are cultivated for centuries resulting in a quality production. The result is the extra virgin…
Crespina Coinvolta nelle ostilità tra Pisa e Firenze, vide smantellato il suo castello, di cui oggi non rimane traccia. Alla fine del Settecento la vita era legata alle grandi ville…
Crespina Involved in hostilities between Pisa and Florence, saw his castle dismantled, of which today no trace remains. At the end of the eighteenth century, life was linked to the…
Fauglia Fauglia ha conservato le caratteristiche del tipico paese rurale, testimone di una civiltà contadina quasi del tutto scomparsa. In seguito alla distruzione del castello, avvenuta nel 1433 ad opera…
Fauglia Fauglia has retained the characteristics of a typical rural village, a witness to a farming all but disappeared. Following the destruction of the castle, which took place in 1433…