Villa Farm Sant'Ermete
Villa Farm Sant’Ermete Sant’Ermete-Casciana Spa Note: The farm is famous for its wine product that can be tasted in its cellars. Former Villa Upezzinghi, it was later owned by households…
Palazzo della Canonica
Palazzo della Canonica Via del Castello Casale Marittimo Nota: su permesso del parroco si può visitare la Sala romana dove sono raccolti reperti provenienti dalla villa romana, tra cui un…
Treasurer of the House
Treasurer of the House Via del Castello, 13 Casale Marittimo Description The house is located near the Clock Tower (the old Civic Tower) and was part of the walls. This…
Treasurer of the House
Treasurer of the House Via del Castello, 13 Casale Marittimo Description The house is located near the Clock Tower (the old Civic Tower) and was part of the walls. This…
Villa Masi
Villa Masi Capannoli Descrizione Si tratta della ex Villa Berzighelli, con annessa cappella dell’Annunziata (1714) su disegno dell’architetto Felice Palma. Da notare il sarcofago romano sotto il porticato del cortile…