Etruscan and Roman Baths Bagnone
Etruscan and Roman Baths Bagnone Sasso Pisano, Castelnuovo Val di Cecina- Tel 0588-23511 Note: To make an appointment to visit the area near the town of Castelnuovo Val di Cecina,…
Village of Sasso Pisano
Village of Sasso Pisano Sasso Pisano, Castelnuovo Val di Cecina- Located on the slopes of the mountain that separates the sources of those Cornia Peacock, Sasso Pisano was a major…
Village of Montecastelli Pisano
Village of Montecastelli Pisano Montecastelli Pisano, Castelnuovo Val di Cecina- The village rises on a hill to the right of Pavone, almost opposite the Rocca Sillana in a position whose…
Borgo La Leccia
Borgo La Leccia The Castelnuovo Val di Cecina-Leccia The village and castle of La Leccia are isolated on a hilly outcrop located between the river Cornia and Cecina valley, surrounded…
Castrum of Castellina Marittima
Castrum of Castellina Marittima Castellina Marittima They are unfortunately scarce around the news in Castellina Marittima, in the Middle Ages, was probably a strong castle, both for its location next…