Lajatico Of Lombard, Lajatico castle of the counts was then the bishop of Volterra Pannocchieschi before being conquered by Pisa and then Florence. Lajatico has become an international tourist destination…
Lari Lari is situated in an area with a strong agricultural tradition, in which vitocoltura and fruit are an important economic resource. For the quality of life and tourist services…
拉里 拉里是坐落在一个地区具有较强的农业传统,其中vitocoltura和水果是重要的经济资源。 对于生活和旅游服务质量拉里荣获橙色标志与旅游俱乐部。 村里的,由具有三个门墙环绕,特点是大量的教区牧师的中世纪城堡,虽然目前的结构,从十七世纪的日期。 由于其俯瞰城堡的位置是一个重要的披散共和国的军事重镇,直至其在佛罗伦萨下降(1406年)。 后来,城堡成为了教区牧师,省长和佛罗伦萨的家庭成员,谁变成了一个从私人住宅到洛林梅迪西斯它的托斯卡纳统治者居住。
Orciano Situated on a gentle hillside, is at the center of an area that offers a rich natural heritage and food and wine. The paths and roads white to those…
Palaia Palaia is an agricultural town situated on one of the highest ridges that divide the valley of the Arno from the Era. Of Etruscan origin, as evidenced by some…