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Pisa-Florence, exit Pontedera-Ponsacco, follow the SS439 towards Volterra, detour on the road for Casciana Terme.
CPT-town, destination Pontedera, CPT, and even suburban, destination Houses.
Pisa-Florence to Pontedera, then CPT-town (see above).
Casciana, surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, is situated in the hilly region that forms the upper catchment of the streams Farm, a tributary of the Era and erected on the slope of the hills of Parlascio and nursery. Built in the eleventh century as Castrum ad Aquas Aquisana or Curtis, was the center of an ancient church dedicated to St. Mary to Aquis. The first information on spas, already known to the Romans and known as the ninth century, is contained in a papal bull dated 1141.
Even before the healthful waters of Casciana were attended by the Countess Matilda of Canossa. The economy of Casciana and the important flow of tourists are strictly dependent on the spa, with modern equipment for diagnosis and therapy. Casciana also has other aspects of interest Acquisana the tower, the pine forest of the English Oak, the Sanctuary of the Madonna dei Monti, the villages of Colle Montanino strains of the ancient tower, the stronghold of Parlascio.