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Villa La Torre

Villa La Torre

Note: the villa is privately owned.


Built according to the architectural sixteenth century, the villa is set in the Park of Capannoli Era.
Built by the Pisani family Upezzinghi, then passed the house in 1748, with the last name, to Lanfreducci, at the time of the death of James Upezzinghi, genito last of the noble lineage.
The main body of the villa, with frescoes by Domenico Gabrielli Tempesti and Ranieri who painted The Judgement of Paris with Diana and Actaeon, is the result of many changes that have taken an old military building.
The major interventions were performed following the transfer of ownership of the villa with the marriage of Louise Lanfreducci with Tanucci Angiolo Del Rosso.
During this time the wings were added, the complex rearrangement of the lemon and wine cellar with the creation of a large terrace and, with the system of the barrel, the excavation was carried out of the cellar and finally, at the behest of the devout Luisa ‘s oratory was transformed into the chapel dedicated to Sant ‘Antonio.
It fell instead to the architect Louis Bellincioni, who called the space of the park with the construction of the wall on the road to Volterra, make a curious building, representing a small castle called the Temple, used as a tea room.